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Our Values 

Guiding principles that dictate behavior and action of our organization, employees, team members, partners, and vendors

  • Results-Focused: We share accountability for making a positive impact and achieving our clients’ as well as our own results.

  • Communication: We consistently communicate in an effective, respectful, and timely manner.

  • Mutual Respect: We treat our partners and clients respectfully, always assume positive intent, and expect that our partners and clients reciprocate the same.

  • Resourceful: We leverage our collective knowledge and experiences to influence a positive outcome.

  • Collaboration: We obtain the perspective of others and share our own to achieve outstanding results.

  • Feedback & Development: We ask for and provide constructive feedback to further develop ourselves and others.


Our Vision

What we want to be and enable in the future

“A globally-accepted standard of efforts, actions, and behaviors for Boards and Board Directors with shareholder AND stakeholder focus.”


Our Mission

What we do well now

“Provide valuable, readily-available services and education committed to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Boards and Board Directors globally.”

Our Credo

What we believe that in turn guides our decision-making

“The success of M. A. Pfister Strategy Group is dependent upon the quality and performance of our people. As a team member, I am the company’s most valuable resource. I am dedicated to upholding our cultural beliefs, to providing service excellence to clients, partners, and colleagues, and to developing innovative solutions. I am committed to embracing change and promoting an inclusive ethical business environment that fosters teamwork. It is through our dedicated efforts to build a diverse and inclusive work environment that we can exceed our customers' and partners' expectations with integrity and outstanding results.”

We understand the importance of a respectful and productive relationship with you and commit to do ‘whatever it takes’ to support and uphold the ethics and reputation of our organizations. We do not take this commitment lightly and anticipate you and your organization will do the same.

© 2025   M. A. Pfister Strategy Group

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